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7 Classical Art & Religion Paintings Wallpaper Designs to Grace Your Space

During gallery visits to the local art gallery, one would take notice of the number of religious paintings. These works feature Bible stories, characters mentioned in the scripture, and other religious beliefs. This theme was popular during the 13th to 19th century, thanks to the influence of Christianity in Europe. The original pieces are worth millions. An ordinary person can't afford such paintings as a home decoration.

However, there is a way one can have an oil painting wallpaper mural. These copies may be replicas, but the religious wallpaper mural has the same enlightening charm as the original. It is an attractive home decoration that will put an air of sophistication to your residence.

Listed below are variants that are worthy centerpieces of your home

Adorable Angel Mural

This classical wallpaper mural features two adorable angels working together. It gives a feeling of security and lightheartedness. The size of this item will cover an entire wall. It can be an attractive home decoration for the living room wallpaper mural. For business owners, your chic cafe will look more accomodating with when decorated with this religious wallpaper mural.

Families with children would love this piece of art. It would inspire kids at a young age to be like angels. They will lend a helping hand to each other whenever needed. If you have a playroom for the little ones and want a dash of spirituality, this wallpaper fits the bill.

Homilies Archivos

Here is a religious wallpaper for religious families. Homilies are sermons that discuss practical lessons with the foundations of morality. Devout families would appreciate this piece as their living or dining room wallpaper mural. Those are the places the family can gather, pray, and encourage each other. The art depicts a woman lifted by angels is a strong message that prayers do reach the heavens.

Places of worship are also suitable to have these wallpapers on. These spaces include chapels, prayer, and counseling rooms. It gives a sense of comfort and security to open up about personal matters. It will build trust between the listener and speaker whenever appointments are in session.

Angelic Choir of the Heavens

Singing is a trademark of the angels in heaven. There is a belief they possess beautiful voices. They sing in harmonization with harps and lyres. This classical wallpaper is suitable for music rooms. At home or in schools, it gives an ambiance of musicality that is inspiring.

This relaxing work of art is also an attractive addition to receptions areas. The open arms of the image in the center give a welcoming vibe. It will put a smile on every visitor's face.

Daniel In The Lions Den

One of the best stories of the Bible regarding faithfulness is the story of Daniel. He was punished and left to endure a gruesome demise. But, Daniel miraculously triumphed over it. Of course, it was not through his strength. God's divine intervention saved him. It was a reward honoring his unwavering faith.

Daniel is shown in the lion's den, both hands clasped in prayer. He looks up to the heavens as the multiple beasts surround him, but none attack. This religious wallpaper is a testimony of good things that come to those who have faith. It is suitable to be displayed at home. Since besides the church, it is another place of a spiritual stronghold for individuals and their families.

Calming Angels Church

Many people of faith might have wondered and asked this question: What do angels look like when they praise and worship God? It is an inquiry answered by this classic wallpaper art. As shown in the image, the angels would gather together in their best robes. They all look their best, to pay honor to God. Who they love unconditionally. Each angel is shown here smiling and full of joy.

Putting up this religious wallpaper will give any room an atmosphere of a traditional church. It is like visiting an ancient Roman Cathedral where many talented artists took their time in creating numerous masterpieces. If you want to give your dining room, bed chambers, or living quarters a majestic feel, then this classical piece will surely fit the bill.

Assumption Day of Mary

Mary is no doubt the most blessed woman who ever lived. She was assigned the honor of giving the virgin birth to Jesus Christ. Now she is remembered by many as a righteous woman. Mary is considered an iconic figure that may devouts look up to and respect.

However, like all humans of flesh Mary, is also laid to rest after living a full life. This religious painting shows her glorious ascension to heaven. As it is not an end but a new beginning for her. It is an opportunity for Mary to finally meet her maker and the rest of the saints and angels in heaven. This event is commemorated in the Catholic community. It is considered an important part of Christianity's history.

Nativity of Jesus

Christians all over probably know the story of the Nativity Of Jesus. It is the starting point of man's salvation from sin. The image shows different people showing respect to the baby born in the manger. The birth of Jesus Christ is a reminder that greatness can come in simplicity. What is important is the person's willingness to follow their calling.

This wallpaper art piece is suitable for places of worship and prayer. Receptions areas and halls will have a vibe of tranquility. It also serves as a reminder for visitors of what the church celebrates. Devotees can also put this up in their homes and businesses as a sign of faith. And as for art enthusiasts, this image is a great inspiration.


Did the selection capture your interest? At least a piece or two might have suited your taste. If you are still having second thoughts? Here is some additional information to help you decide.

Why are Classical Religious wallpaper murals fantastic?

  • The wallpaper has a vibrant color
  • Customization options are available
  • Materials are Eco-Friendly
  • Great value for money
  • Observing it is therapeutic and calming

Like original artworks, these are worthy investments that mark up the value of your space. So allow yourself to indulge in the simple but better things in life. And at the same time, share the experience with family, students, business partners, and clients.